Identity and Global Advocacy

With a view to fostering an understanding and acceptance for all, every student is encouraged to be proud of their identity and heritage, and to actively embrace tolerance, compassion, and peace towards themselves and others. 

We honour the dignity of each member of our diverse community through our wellbeing practices that are inspired by a living spirit of community and compassion.

"We are leaders in promoting international perspectives and understanding. We enjoy the challenge of diversity in learning and really aim for inclusive education to maximise the strengths of our students and minimise weaknesses." 

— Mr Isikeli Kubunameca, Assistant Principal Identity and Global Advocacy

Challenged by the Gospel and inspired by Edmund Rice, St James College is a Catholic college in the Edmund Rice Tradition that engages and nurtures the heart and mind of each person. 

The core values held by the St James College community are founded in the Gospel and their expression within the framework of the four Touchstones of the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition. 

Liberating Education: We open hearts and minds through quality teaching and learning experiences so that, through critical reflection and engagement, each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

Gospel Spirituality: We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice, and peace a lived reality within our community. 

Inclusive Community: Our multifaith and multicultural community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships, and is committed to the common good. 

Justice and Solidarity: We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity and advocate with those who are marginalised, and the Earth itself.