Give to the Bursary and Faithful Friends Fund

Since St James College opened in 1868, 'Jimmies' as the college is affectionately known, has welcomed students from an array of cultural, socio-economic, and academic backgrounds.

The St James College Bursary Endowment Fund is a tax-deductible perpetual fund that will provide long term support for students who are experiencing challenging financial circumstances. This fund invests your gift in a bursary endowment and each year the earnings generated provides funds for students to obtain an enriched Catholic education that would otherwise be beyond reach. Your gift remains in perpetuity and keeps on providing year after year.

The Faithful Friends Fund is designed to provide immediate and much-needed resources for students in challenging circumstances. The fund covers the day-to-day operational costs of laptops, excursions, immersions, school uniforms, and transport.

To give now, please visit the Catholic Foundation website or get in touch with the Principal Andrée Rice on 3230 8600 or for more information.