Our College
Global Learning, Achieving Aspirations
St James College is a Catholic coeducational college for Years 5 - 12 in the Edmund Rice tradition. It is unique place of faith and learning excellence of 21st century skills and capabilities, as inspired by the college mantra: Global Learning, Achieving Aspirations.
As a multinational campus, we welcome families from many faith traditions and encourage strong ecumenical and interfaith understanding. With many international families enrolling at the college, our cohort represents all corners of the globe, allowing students the opportunity to form worldwide friendships.
At the forefront of contemporary education, St James College blends extensive offerings in academic and vocational subjects with rich and innovative curriculum support programs tailored to meet the needs of every student.
“I believe school communities can achieve incredible things through authentic partnerships, especially when their mission focuses on promoting the flourishing of every individual.”
— Andrée Rice, Principal
St James is exemplary in the continued success in delivering a hybrid educational model that considers the skills necessary for workplaces for the future. A mix of both hard skills, those related to technical knowledge and training, and soft skills, those related to leadership, communication, and time management, will be imperative.
Students choose from flexible curriculum pathways that lead to tertiary study, further training, or employment. The college has strong industry links in growth employment industries and relationships with local and international educational institutions and universities supporting post-school pathways.
The range of academic subjects is enhanced by vocational and co-curricular programs including sport, debating, cultural, and advocacy activities that equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in workplaces of the future.
Through expert teaching and learning, classroom interactions, and co-curricular offerings in creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, and communication, St James students are well equipped to become future global citizens.
The college has been recognised for its excellence in vocational education, and for its delivery of cultural and sporting programs.

Pirlirrpa Education Program
The Pirlirrpa Education Program stands out as a distinctive and adaptable educational initiative within the College. Participants in this program enjoy a tailored experience, with a mainstream alternative pathway approach, fostering their personal growth and prioritising their overall wellbeing, while working towards obtaining their Queensland Certificate of Education. Core subjects are taught in a dedicated learning environment, complemented by the College’s wide array of academic and vocational courses available across the campus. Central to the ethos of the Pirlirrpa Education Program is the belief that every student deserves a secure, supportive, and hopeful outlook for their future, and a future pathway outcome is the goal.