Jimmies 2024 Cultural Nights – Shows of Global Proportions

All News, Latest News, Friday, 17 May 2024

From India and Afghanistan to Africa and the United Kingdom, across to Europe, and back to Australia and the Torres Strait and Pasifika nations, Jimmies students put on a show of global proportions at the annual Cultural Nights events.

In 2024, the Jimmies Cultural Nights ran over two nights due to the number of acts submitted by student performers.

Principal Ann Rebgetz commended the students and staff on the event.“Congratulations to our students who performed so well and staff who made it happen!”

“Culture Night was superb - such great dancing, music and celebration - the music band and dancing, costuming, were impressive as were the comperes and we loved the fashion and the food / market stalls.

“The sheer joy as well as skill shown by so many students was uplifting, and an absolute credit to all the staff who spent so many hours making it happen,”  Principal Rebgetz added.

Both Thursday night and Friday night shows can be viewed on demand at the following link https://jta.global/sjc-2024-cu...