Latest News
St James College, Brisbane Offers...
The college is well placed to provide a primary school approach with high school opportunities. ...
English Program 'Guilty or Not...
St James College, Brisbane has been preparing students for life after school since it was...
Jimmies Racing Team Awarded 2nd...
A team of 19 St James College students headed out to Lakeside Park Qld recently with two...
Assistant Principal named Finalist in...
Congratulations to the college's Assistant Principal Identity and Global Advocacy, Mr Isikeli Kubunameca who has been...
Women of the World Annual...
A group of Year 11 students had the privilege of attending the annual Women of the...
Join us in Support of...
Right now, your gift to support the St James College Endowment Fund will have DOUBLE...
2022 Cultural Night an Uplifting...
The annual St James College Cultural Night was described by Principal Ann Rebgetz as 'an...
Inspirational International Women's Day Event
An inspirational event was held at the college to celebrate International Women's Day 2022. Principal Ms Ann...
Distinguished Awards Recognise Chinese Teacher's...
St James College English and Chinese teacher Ms Ariel Hsu-Chia Chen has been named winner...